Sunday, March 11, 2012

Is That A Puppet Or Is It Real?

One of the things I use with kindergarten classes is a Peaceworks curriculum that has a puppet, named (originally enough)  I Care Cat.  Kids love this puppet.  I've used the same one for 18 years and he's a hard worker but still holding up pretty well.  I figure the day the fabric falls apart is a sign I need to retire.  Along with the puppet is a CD that talks for the puppet, sings songs and reviews the basic I Care Rules.  Ask any kindergartener in my school what the I Care Rules are and they can rattle 'em off in a flash.  It's a fun effective program for teaching kids how to get along with each other and I fell in love with it when I first encountered it years ago.  Here's a link to their site:  Peaceworks Education Program

Over the years, I've collected a lot of hysterical comments and questions from kids about the puppet.  Mostly they like to stop me in the hall and ask me where I Care Cat is and how he's doing.  They expect an answer too and aren't surprised to hear he's on vacation at the beach or taking a nap in my office.  As I begin a lesson, there often is an ongoing debate as to just how real he is.  Usually, whenever I pull him out, a child in the group feels the need to inform the rest of the class, who are perhaps not as observant as he or she, that "It's a puppet you know!"  This happens whether it's the first time I've been in the room or the 50th time.  One day following this "It's a puppet !" announcement, another child turned to the proud informant and said with great indignation, "SHHHH, you're going to hurt his feelings saying that!"  Then there was the day I finished my lesson and was packing up my CD player when a child came up to me and said, "That was really good... how did you get his voice in the radio?"

Finally, there was the time a teacher whose own child happened to be in kindergarten told me that while she was scolding her child at home one day, he informed her that she was not using I Care Language and I Cat Cat would be very sad if he heard her.

Having a bad day?  Spend a little time in conversation with a five year old.  It'll change your mood and make you smile.  You gotta love kids...


  1. What you say about the cheering power of visiting with a 5-year-old is so true! I'm grateful to have the opportunity to hang out with them on a regular basis -- especially involved in a creative activity like ART ;-)

    Not long ago one little boy had both blue & red paint on his palette. I watched as he worked and the two colors got closer and closer to each other until they finally touched. When the blue & red actually mixed he looked startled and his eyes were as big as saucers.

    "It made purple! It made purple!!" He yelled. He was so excited -- it was like he saw spontaneous magic happen right in front of his eyes -- haha!

  2. Oh, Lynne, this sure brought a smile to my face today! What a precious age group the fives are. You are so fortunate to be able to work with them at school.
    Blessings to you!

  3. You made me smile with the tale of the puppet and 5 year old children. They are so great, I spend a lot of time with the young ones as well.

  4. That was great Lynne! I love the humor and innocents of a youngster. Such a shame we have to grow up and get serious :P

  5. @Linda--I do love the genuine amazement and joy kids bring to life. One of the great things about counseling kids is that they believe in magic. The power of suggestion is magical to them. Often that is all it takes to change their lives. Blessings to you and thanks for the story!

  6. @Martha and @Jan--Kids do make you smile...glad I could add a smile to your day!
    @Mary--I agree, as adults we lose this innocent joy--a good reason to spend time around lots of kiddos :)
